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Suzanne Brown, English

Suzanne Brown, English

Greetings! My name is Suzanne Brown and this is my seventh year at Canyon Valley.

In order to start the block outright, I want to clearly establish what it is I expect in the classroom. Disregarding any of these expectations will result in disciplinary action. The specific action will be determined based on each individual situation.

  • I expect full respect for everyone in the classroom – students as well as myself. This includes an understanding that when someone is talking, all others are actively listening.
  • Electronic devices such as cell phones must be turned off and stored in the supplied location during class time. Use of Bluetooth headphones and smartwatches is forbidden. Any electronic device that is out during class will result in disciplinary action.
  • Absolutely no food is allowed in the classroom. Water is allowed in sealable bottles.
  • Any work that is plagiarized, including being copied from another student, will receive a zero without an option to re-do the assignment.

Units in this class are explicitly and intentionally framed as skills-based instruction. Students should understand they are developing core literacy proficiencies that will enrich their academic and civic lives. Grades will be determined with the following weighted categories: 85% - Daily Work (warm-ups, in-class assignments, vocabulary, quizzes, etc.), 5% - Participation and Behavior, and 10% - Performance-Based Assessments. Students can access all assignments digitally on Google Classroom. Students can make up the Daily Work missed with an excused absence. Missed Daily Work must be completed before the end of the unit. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work missed. Because of the focus on mastery of skills, students are allowed to turn in their work for corrections as many times as they please. Because of the collaborative nature of these assignments and the time provided for them, final due dates are not flexible. Work missed for unexcused absences can not be made up under any circumstances. If you have any questions throughout the year, you are welcome to contact me.

My phone number is 480-507-0519 x123. Please sign and return to me the attached communication form by Friday, March 25, 2022.

Suzanne Brown